Brève présentation de l'université
COTRA is calling for applications by Congolese (DRC) for MSc. and PhD scholarships tenable at Rhodes University (South Africa), Makerere Univrsity (Uganda), University of Eldoret (Kenya) and Mzuzu University (Malawi). The following scholarships are available under this call:
1 Master of Science (MSc.) at University of Eldoret, Kenya
1 Master of Science (MSc.) at Rhodes University, South Africa
1 Master of Science (MSc.) at Mzuzu University, Malawi
1 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) at University of Eldoret, Kenya
The EU under its Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Scheme, has provided funding to support an academic partnership “Collaborative Training and Research in Fisheries and Aquaculture in East, Southern and Central Africa (CoTRA)” project to training of professionals to achieve sustainable fisheries management and aquaculture resources that shall lead to increased fish production and enhanced food and nutritional security, and hence, improved livelihood and household revenue. The project is expected to contribute to a) improved skills and competences of academic staff in research, training and supervision, b) enhanced quality of graduate training that will lead to innovative and fit-for-purpose professionals in fisheries and aquaculture, c) improved skills and competences of administrative staff in implementing international mobility.​
The Call for applications has been extended from 9th July, 2018 to 23rd July 2018 (Midnight East African time). All interested candidates should download the application forms from fill the forms and submit either through email or postal services. The applicants are advised to apply to the hosting university for admission.
For guidance on admissions, visit websites of the hosting Universities: Rhodes University ;Makerere University and the advert for 2018/19 -; Mzuzu University; University of Eldoret
The applications for scholarship should be submitted to the project coordinating office (, with a copy to the coordinator at the sending institution, Official University of Bukavu (, )
Download other details about the scholarship and application forms:
Cover flyer for advert _MZU
Cover flyer for advert _Eldoret
Cover flyer for advert _Rhodes
COTRA_Application Form Ms Word
C’est dans le cadre de l’essaimage des institutions publiques de l’Enseignement Supérieur et Universitaire, à travers le pays, que le Gouvernement de la République Démocratique du Congo a créé en 1993, le Centre Universitaire de Bukavu (Arrêté ministériel N° ESU/CAB.MIN/0066/93 du 17 Juin 1993).
Le Centre Universitaire de Bukavu (CUB) fut par la suite placé sous la tutelle académique de l’Université de Kisangani (Arrêté ministériel N° EDN/CABMIN/ESU/0021/97 du 04 Octobre 1997), en devenant l’une de ses extensions.
Son autonomisation comme Université d’Etat implantée à Bukavu, Chef-lieu de la province du Sud-Kivu et carrefour de la région des Grands Lacs, intervient seulement en 2006 (Arrêté ministériel N° 016/MINESU/CAB.MIN/RS/2006 du 07 Février 2006), sous sa dénomination actuelle d’Université Officielle de Bukavu (U.O.B).
L’UOB vient ainsi de totaliser VINGT CINQ ans d’âge. Elle est actuellement dirigée par le recteur Prof. GYAVIRA MUSHIZI nommépar l’Arrêtés Ministériels N°061/MINESU/CABMIN/TMF/RK3/CPM/2016 du 11/03/2016 et N°220/MINESU/CABMIN/TMF/RK3/CPM/2016 du 16/09/2016 portant désignation et nomination des Membres du Comité de Gestion de l’Université Officielle de Bukavu.